
Frequently Asked Questions

What do we do with the money?2019-05-21T17:35:02+01:00

In the first instance, the money is invested. Currently, this is with accounts held at the Teachers Building Society, based in Wimborne: whilst the rate of interest is not very high, the capital is protected. We make some modest donations to local charities each year and these are announced at the AGM. We also become involved in funding ad hoc projects such as the Play Park in Cliff Drive and the refurbishment of the zig zag Path down to the Promenade. Whilst the Society does not normally pay tax, we do have to keep a reserve to cover a potential liability to tax in the event that the Society is wound up.

Where do we get our income?2019-05-21T17:33:58+01:00

The principal source of income is fees charged to the owners of plots of land within the Estate who wish to develop their plots. Plots are protected by legal covenant against unsuitable development and the Society may agree to waive or modify those covenants in consideration of a fee being paid. There is also a small income from the annual membership fees.

What happens at the Christmas Lights?2019-05-21T17:33:29+01:00

The lights are normally erected across and along Haven Road during November. On a Friday evening in late November or early December, there is a formal switch on ceremony which has been performed up until now by the Mayor of Poole. There is a party in the Magda Mazda showroom from 5pm with the formal ceremony taking place between 5.30 and 6pm. Mulled wine and canapes are available and there is carol singing by members of the Canford Cliffs Community Choir. There is no charge for entry but attendees (other than children) are each asked to buy at least £5 worth of raffle tickets: prizes are donated by the various local businesses. Generally, everything is finished by 7pm and many attendees then find their way to one of the restaurants in the Village…..

When is the Annual General Meeting?2019-05-21T17:32:29+01:00

This normally takes place on a Saturday during April or early May, in the Village Hall.  It starts at 10 am and, following the brief formal matters, there is usually a short talk given on behalf of the one or more organisations which we have donated to during the year.  Refreshments (wine, soft drinks and canapes) are served from about 12 noon.  There is no charge for members of the Society.

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